china was once synonymous with porcelain.

A tour of the well known ceramics term "China" turns out to be quite a circuitous trip, beginning of course with the word's obvious origin: China. The Chinese originally developed the technique more than a thousand years ago and were its sole makers until the 18th century. As far as ceramics are concerned, china was once synonymous with porcelain.

First, Lib Dems have the most gay friends and acquaintances, while Ukip supporters have fewest. So perhaps and I stress perhaps gay friends are a possible indicator of voting intention: the more you have, the more likely you are to vote Lib Dem. And the fewer you have, the more likely you are to go Ukip..

Can we not all agree that any/all means to protect a specifically targeted group of people for violent acts should be instituted as soon as conceivable possible? Even if you are not in support of gay rights, surely any moral individual would not want to see their neighbor, dentist, interior designer, realtor, professor, hair stylist, auto mechanic, brother, father, cousin, etc. With a ratchet in his skull. Right? We are an ever increasingly diverse nation, to be sure; yet we can make some strides toward greater unity.

But it doesn make it any easier. I had a few friends tell me in the past that the reason they didn call me a lot was because they always ended up depressed by the end of the conversation. Well, if you felt that way, can you imagine how I must have felt? I don think they ever considered that I was in need of someone to listen to me and tell me that things will get better.

When expats, portenos, and tourists alike want to escape the hectic pace of Buenos Aires many head an hour train ride away to the Tigre Delta for a relaxed atmosphere surrounded by nature. The City of Tigre is located on the Parana River Delta. It is made up of hundreds of islands dotted with family homes and weekend houses, forming a rather disperse community only accessible by water.

Since Mississippi doesn't have a state ENDA, and no federal ENDA has been passed, the sheriff if correct.Obviously this is why a federal ENDA is necessary. Unfortunately now that the GOPasaurs have the House, that won't be happening till after the 2012 elections.Interesting how you can use perjoratives like GOPasaurs and think yourself ever so cute and clever, but let one breeder use the term queer or fag and you're in a tizzy and demanding sanctions about some mythical "hate speech."Is it really any wonder when somne people look at you with deserved contempt and see you as hypocrites?BS Detector wrote:Interesting how you can use perjoratives like GOPasaurs and think yourself ever so cute and clever, but let one breeder use the term queer or fag and you're in a tizzy and demanding sanctions about some mythical "hate speech."Is it really any wonder when somne people look at you with deserved contempt and see you as hypocrites?It is BS to compare "GOPasaurs" as he used it with the terms "queer" and "fag" as they are usually used. It is also asinine to not realize that those words are indeed hate speech because of the intent when they are used.